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U.S. Ambassadors

Tucson, Arizona

My mom taught me to sew as a child, and I made most of my clothes until I became a nurse, wife and mother of 4 handsome boys - my "mighty men." My sewing was limited to curtains, attaching Boy Scout Merit badges, Halloween costumes, and pajamas! I now have the joy of sewing with eyelet, lace and girly pink fabrics, and exploring the clearance racks for cute t-shirts in the girl's department! I am so excited to know that something so fun can bless little girls. Besides sewing, I also love to swim, garden and scrapbook.

Scottsdale, Arizona

My name is Patti Council and I live in Scottsdale, Arizona. Born and raised in Paducah, Kentucky, my husband (Nathan) and I, along with my daughter, Kayla, moved to Arizona in 1998. Nat and I were both raised in a church (where his father was the pastor) that taught us what the Bible says about our responsibility to loving, praying for and supporting mission work all over the world. In our early years of marriage, we made numerous short-term mission trips to remote villages in Central America which is where my passion for working with DAG started. My mother was a seamstress and taught me to sew at an early age. My 'real' job is owning a store that sells beautiful evening gowns to prom and pageant girls. It was actually one of my pageant girls that introduced me to DAG. When girls come into my store and find the perfect evening gown for their next pageant, I see the excitement on their faces! Since becoming involved with DAG, I like to think of each of the girls that receives one of our handmade dresses will have even more excitement when a volunteer gives her the dress that was made especially for her. I'm honored to be a part of this organization and want to be a good steward with the gifts God has blessed us with. When not working at my store or volunteering with DAG, I enjoy spending time with my husband, daughter and her husband, 20 month old granddaughter and we now have a baby girl on the way. Truly Blessed.

Sedona/ Verde Valley, Arizona
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I learned to sew as a young girl, from my mom and 4-H leader. It’s a hobby I have always enjoyed, along with travel, gardening, reading and pets (especially horses). I grew up in Connecticut, went to college in North Dakota, and spent 35 years in northern Vermont where my husband and I taught in public school and raised two lovely daughters. After retirement we moved to Sedona (more sunshine! And closer to kids and grandkids who now live in Temecula CA.). I met Lin Ennis and became involved with Dress a Girl. I especially love making the dresses, as well as the challenge of finding appropriate venues for distributing them. In our travels we have personally delivered dresses in several countries and organizations. I feel very fortunate to be taking over as lead for our Sedona group as Lin Ennis leaves behind a very well organized set up. We have many talented, hard working volunteers here in Sedona. I see a bright future for us!

DAG Group
Phoenix , Arizona
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Theresa H: I was volunteering at an elementary school and sewing skirts for the nurse’s closet when one of the teachers sent me a FaceBook posting from the DAG Phoenix chapter. I attended my first meeting in March of 2019, made my first dress, and have been hooked on sewing DAG dresses ever since. Linda G. I heard about DAG from a friend at our church sewing group. I love to sew and have no one to share my love for sewing for so why not help out some sweet girls who need dresses. It’s fun and creative and a good time to share. Ellen K : Have been sewing since I was a small child at my Grandmother’s knee. After marrying I only had sons so missed being able to sew sweet little girl dresses. Adopted daughters so could sew dresses again. Once they grew up I missed that. I met Marj at a JoAnn’s and she told me about DAG. I was hooked, a way to make dresses and bless lots of little girls. Have seen DAG go from the warehouse in Tempe, to Rachel’s house near Anthem to CCOJ which is now Dream City Church. Have been on a missions trip and blessed to be able to dress little girls with the fruits of all our labor. So glad to be able to be apart of a group that continues to bless little girls all over the world. One very special aspect of our dresses is that we label them right on the front showing predators that someone is watching over these sweet precious lives. Pam C - I first heard about DAG from a friend in a Prescott Club. She gave me some instructions and a few pieces of fabric and I was hooked from the first dress. I spend my summers in Flagstaff where I was fortunate to meet Carol L and she got me connected with the Phoenix group. I made 16 dresses this summer and now plan on starting more!!! Cheryl J. : I went to my first Dress A Girl Serve Day at Rachel’s. The entire Dress A Girl had been group so gracious in donating dresses for our Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts throughout the years. I enjoy their serve day as a way to fellowship and help out in a small way with these dresses that go to precious girls around the world. Carol L. : Three years ago my daughter was visiting and she asked me if I wanted to go to a DAG meeting that she saw advertised in the newspaper. My daughter is a seamstress and belongs to a charity Sewing Klatch in her church. I love to sew and had been looking for an opportunity to use my skills for a worthy cause. DAG was a perfect fit. Not only has DAG enriched my life but I have enabled neighbors to donate supplies, making them feel a part of a worthy cause. I also got my sewing group in Flagstaff involved and many of the ladies make dresses at home. They bring the dresses to me and I deliver them to our group in Phoenix. We provide all the fabric and supplies etc. We have donated over 295 dresses these past 3 years. Ramona G.: I read about a 106 yr old woman who made 1 dress/day for an organization. I looked up Dress a Girl on Facebook and found a chapter minutes from my house. I contacted them via Cheryl O who told me where to meet. I enjoy being involved with this group as I can use my sewing skills to help girls. Also it’s fun to put together pretty dresses for those who don’t have. Julie S: I had the pleasure of going to Uganda, Africa where they handed out dresses to the girls at Smile Africa. It was amazing to watch the little girls go from their heads down to twirling around in a brand new colorful dress! It touched my heart and I knew I would love to be a part of the organization. It is such a beautiful way to serve God, meet new people with like interests and the bonus for me is I am sewing with a very special friend. Who doesn’t love a new dress :-) Jacki K. I started sewing the dresses for Little Dresses For Africa but I had to pay for shipping. Then I learned about this group. So good to work with the other ladies! Kathy P. : My friend Julie was so excited about the work this group is doing and she invited me to come with her to a meeting. I’m excited to find a group so intent on caring for others. It has been a point of joy in my world and has opened the door to the opportunity to be with others who, like Julie, have nurturing intentions. Doni B. : I have always loved to sew and to be able to share this talent. To be a testimony for my Lord is such a blessing to me. I love this DAG group of women because we come together for a shared purpose and are able to provide girls with a new dress. I pray a blessing over each dress I make in hope that they will be protected from harm and feel the love of Christ. Jill H. I saw some YouTube videos of a lady that started a dress drive that she encourages other people to sew a dress or several and they donate them to DAG. I did a computer search to see if any local group do this as well. I found this group and look forward to contributing and able to assist in bringing joy to little girls that would enjoy receiving a dress. Cheryl O: I was sitting in the Allergy Shot Clinic knitting when Theresa came up to me & asked what I was making. I told her that it was doll hats for the OCC Shoebox Program & she told me about DAG. I called Roseanne and then our Munds Park Community Church OCC program was gifted dresses for all the 250 girls for our 500 shoeboxes that year. Our then Ambassador, Roseanne had to step down due to ill health. Theresa stepped up to become our new Ambassador & has done a beautiful job. We were having trouble with the Facebook page for DAG Phoenix, so I contacted Rachel at National & she encouraged us to start a new page which I did with the help of Tammy B. I have enjoyed being part of this great group that sews thousands of beautiful dresses for girls all over the world. I have sewn several dresses & tried to help where I can. Our Munds Park Community Church Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Program has received hundred of dresses for our shoeboxes. I have helped with picking up contributed fabric and thread. God is blessing DAG - Phoenix and our prayers. I want to thank Theresa for taking on the role of Ambassador as God has blessed us through her !!

Sharon Murufas
Prescott, Arizona

Dress a Girl is the perfect charity for me. I can combine my love of sewing with my desire to help needy girls throughout the world. I fell very blessed by God to be participating is this effort. Prescott, AZ, is a growing community, and so is our group of volunteers. Our group functions very much like a team. We would love to have you join us!

Amanda Smith

Hello. My name is Amanda Smith. I am a nurse educator from southeast Arkansas. Although my grandmothers and mother were very competent seamstresses, I did not have the desire to sew until I was an adult. I remember taking Home Economics in high school and feeling stressed about making a locker bag and breaking needles! I always cherished items my family made, but I did not find my love for sewing, until after having my daughter. While staying with her in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), I began working on an applique quilt, to help pass the time. I caught the "quilt bug" and quickly found myself hoarding fabric and wanting to make beautiful quilts! Through sewing, I have been able to be a part of many charitable projects, including donating quilts to children's hospitals and veterans, and dresses to Dress a Girl Around the World. It is an honor to use my sewing talent for the Lord and pass the blessings God has provided me and my family with on to others. I love to teach others to sew and to use their talent for helping others. I look forward to the many open doors the Lord will provide in the future and which countries will receive dresses. After donating dresses to Dress a Girl Around the World for approximately eight years, I am honored to now serve as an ambassador and be a part of such a needed organization.

SF Bay Area, California

After 32 years of marriage, my life took an unexpected turn when my husband asked for a divorce. The next months were extremely difficult, but God was with me every step of the way, guiding and guarding. In fact, one morning in my devotions early in the process, the prayer in my devotional was this: "Holy Spirit, you know how much I hate change. Please help me to embrace this new life that you are offering me." I was stunned that this was part of God's plan, but that knowledge was certainly sustaining in the months to come. One evening, several months later I was sitting alone in my tiny new house, praying and contemplating all the changes that had occurred and really in awe of God’s goodness to me and helping me to ‘embrace this new life that he had offered me.’ But it occurred to me that my focus had been totally on myself over those several months. Now, it was time to start thinking about a new way to minister to other people. So I started praying that evening, specifically asking God for a new area of ministry; and I added…"oh, and, by the way, if it could be something CREATIVE, that would be SO cool!" A few of weeks later, I stumbled across the DAG website and within a few minutes literally burst into tears, knowing that this was a DIRECT answer to prayer. I gathered a few friends and we had our first Sew-Fest in May, 2011. Now we have over 300 women involved and have made over 10,000 dresses. I'm convinced that God gives us gifts and then when we use them for His good and His glory, he doubles the blessings and we get so much joy in simply USING those gifts! Addendum: In an additional amazing gift from God, I reconnected with a crush from grade-school and we've now been married almost 6 years! Isn't God simply FULL of surprises??!

Southbay, California
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My name is Diana Calhoun and with my husband, Don we live in Redondo Beach, CA. After retirement from a career in Investment Management, a girlfriend encouraged me to learn to quilt, and thus began my love of sewing. I was introduced to Dress a Girl in 2015 through a Bible study group that was looking for a service project, and then when our church was planning its annual service weekend, my pastor asked if I would take the lead in organizing a Dress A Girl sewing group. In 2017, I traveled to Uganda on a mission trip delivering new dresses and observing first-hand the joy that a new dress brings to these little girls. This ministry has now delivered over 700 dresses directly to missions in Uganda, Mexico and Guatemala in addition to various other nations through Operation Christmas Child. Recently, I read a book called “The Externally Focused Church” by Rick Rusaw & Eric Swanson, which God used to call me to greater service for Him. I am excited about using the gifts and talents that God has blessed me with for His Kingdom and serving “the least of these” in His name.

Northern/Sacramento, California

I've never been this aggressive before about anything. The Lord has opened so many doors that I know this is what I am meant to do. Thank you for inviting me. I look forward to doing the best job I can. Sharon has been with Dress a Girl since August 2010. In that time, the Northern CA area has sent out more than 34,000 dresses to more than 42 countries. "This is my passion in life. Serving the Lord in this way is such a blessing. After seeing thousands of dresses, I never stop saying "so CUTE!" They bless the one who makes it, the one who takes it, & of course the girl who receives it!" We've helped make & distribute hundreds of dresses to Haiti, Cambodia & Kenya.

Charlotte and Claudia
Fresno, California

We are Charlotte and Claudia and are super excited to be a part of Dress A Girl Around the World. We launched in 2014 in Fresno, CA under the amazing guidance of our sister in Christ, Barbara in Santa Cruz. Since that time our group has continued to grow and we have been blessed to be a part of planting or mentoring three other active groups in our area. We love Dress A Girl for the hope and joy it brings these beautiful girls in other countries and for the indescribable blessing it brings to each of us who has a hand in creating these special gifts. You can be an accomplished seamstress, a novice or a non-sewer to help, so please come and join us so you can be a part of this wonderful ministry and be a carrier of something special created in His name for those He calls His children.

Santa Cruz, California
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My personal passion is to do what I can to ease the suffering of oppressed people and those living in poverty. I’ve spent a lot of time studying about poverty, praying about poverty, reading books about poverty, and doing whatever I can to help those in poverty---particularly through short-term missions and child sponsorship. When I discovered Dress a Girl Around the World, I realized how perfectly this ministry fit into the person I believe God created me to be. I have been involved in many, many ministries in my life but I have never walked through SO many open doors---ever! It is such a privilege to serve in this capacity. I love how this ministry gives people of all ages unity of purpose. It has also fortified my marriage. My husband, Steven, is a Gideon Bible distributor. This has been a marriage of our ministries as well---we have been putting little New Testaments in the pockets of our dresses to send to the countries where they are allowed. I love how this addresses both physical AND spiritual poverty. Our home church is very aggressive about world missions. We have sent dresses to Zambia, South Africa, and Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka, Navajo Nation, India, Tanzania, Grand Bahama Island, Nicaragua, and Ecuador as well as serving the needy in our community. I love a quote from Wess Stafford, CEO of Compassion, International. In his book titled “Just a Minute”, he points out that in the heart of a child, ONE moment can last forever. “From the stories of others I have become convinced that if God stands a child before you, for even just a minute, it is a divine appointment. You have the chance to launch a life. You never know when you are making a memory.” At Dress a Girl Around the World Santa Cruz we make our dresses “one at a time”. We want to send the message that each dress is made with extravagant love and care and is as unique as the child who will ultimately own it.

Arroyo Grande, California

My name is Pamela Glenn and I live Arroyo Grande on the Central Coast of California. My mom taught me to hand sew for my dolls when I was 5 years old. As I got older I made my own clothes and sewed for my home and my children. About 2 years ago I discovered that I like quilting! Our church was introduced to Dress A Girl when a new pastor and his wife came on board. This ministry has really captured my heart as well as many others in the church. At our first meeting, we completed over 100 dresses, some of which had been donated by another church in varying stages of completion. As I helped organize that day I realized that this was another “God” moment in my life - I had recently prayed the prayer of Jabez to “enlarge my territory,” so when I was asked to become the coordinator of the group, I said yes. We currently meet quarterly, but that may change as our ministry expands. As I write this I have gotten word that several other churches are interested in joining the team - how awesome is God!

Los Osos, California

I have sewn since before I was ten! I loved to make doll clothes and my grandmother told me that when I could sew with a needle and thread she would let me use her Singer treadle machine! I started my first quilt when I took geometry in High School and discovered I could make a hexagon so I made a cardboard template and started making a grandmother's flower garden quilt using my doll cloth scraps. I made my first dresses and shorts for Africa in 2008 for a friend of a friend to take on a mission trip. I had health problems which prevented me from doing more until 2014 when a former pastor was going to an orphanage in Jinga, near Kampala Uganda. So I asked the church if I could use the hall and asked church friends and fellow quilters if they wanted to sew dresses with me. I got the guidelines and labels from Dress a Girl and we made 18 dress and 13 pair of shorts for the Jinga trip. Since then we have made and given out over 1000 dresses to Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Panama, Philippines, Bolivia and more!

Riverside, San Bernadino, Temecula, Orange County, San Diego areas in Southern
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After going on my first ever Mission trip to Uganda with Hope 4 Kids, Int. in November of 2018 to dedicate 2 wells, and participating in the Dress a Girl Program, distributing 600 dresses among 3 villages, I got inspired and thought, “This is something I could do!” I have been sewing since 2nd grade, that makes it 58 years, and now have a business where I sew and sell Historical Clothing and patterns, mainly 19th Century, and hold Historical Sewing Workshops once a month. The parallels with the Ugandans living with no running water and no electricity seem familiar to me as a Civil War Reenactor, but I saw the extreme poverty, too, in the Tororo area. Experiencing the smiles, joy, and dignity that the girls exhibited when they received their dresses was very heartwarming. On a personal note, I lost my son when he was 14 1/2 in a dirt bike accident. He is safe in heaven now and God must have a sense of humor because I now have 5 tow-headed grandsons from my 2 daughters….. but no granddaughters to sew dresses for. Our church, Olive Grove Church, in Nuevo, is planning on raising money for a 3rd Well and we plan to go back to Uganda in 2020 for the well dedication. I plan to go again but with suitcases full of dresses this time! I would love to encourage anyone to go as a Team Member or to help by sewing dresses with Dress a Girl! I am in the Inland Empire/San Diego area. Workshop days will be set up soon.

Ambassador's List:


1) Tucson: Carol

2) Sedona/ Verde Valley: Kathy

3) Scottsdale: Patti

4) Phoenix: DAG Group

5) Prescott: Sharon Murufas


Amanda Smith



1) Bay Area:  Suzanne    

2)Central Valley: Pat

 3) Northern California:   Sharon    

4) Santa Cruz:  Barbara

5) Arroyo Grande: Pamela

6) Fresno: Charlotte & Claudia

7) Los Osos: Susan

8) Riverside, San Diego areas

9) South Bay: Diana

10) Visalia: Kathleen and Jean


1) Southern- Maria

2) Denver Metro- Valerie

3) Denver Metro- Ellen





 1) Jacksonville: Holly

2) South Jax: Cindy

3) Orlando- Dressed In Hope

4)Lake Wales- Suzanne


Noie Craven

West: Jeanette



1) Headquarter- Forest City: Rachel

2) Des Moines- Donna

3) North East Iowa- Julie


1) Southwestern Kansas- Mary



1) Susan

 2) Northeastern- Christie



Maryland: Marisa


 1) Gail

2) Evelyn





 1) Southwestern, MO- Sue

2) Southwestern, MO- Pam

3) Southwestern,MO- Cindy

4) Southwestern, MO- Sharon

5) Candice



North Carolina:

1) Connie

2) Davidson- Michelle

New Jersey:

1) Jacquie

Northern New England (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Northeastern Massachusetts:


New Mexico:

1) Cam & Terri

2) Eastern New Mexico- Donna


New York:

1)Mary Jo/Angels of Mercy

2) NYC- Sharon

3) Tupperlake- Peg



1) Michelle
2) Dayton area- Judy
3) Central Ohio- Karen








1) Dallas/Fort Worth-  Kristin

2) Nacona- Betsy

3)  Cypress Texas- Valeri 

South Carolina: Georgetown

1) Mary Holland

2) Libby O'Hara



Kathleen VanDyk and Jean Edmonds Visalia, CA.jpg
Kathleen and Jean Co-Ambassadors
Visalia, California

Kathleen- When I attended high school, home economics was a required subject. I learned the basics of reading a pattern and sewing a straight line. Once summer I went on a family vacation to Montana where I spent a month with my cousins. They were all quilters and while there I caught the quilting bug. Then life and children happened and for many years I didn’t touch a sewing machine. When I retired, I began seeking God about what it was that I was supposed to do with my time. Our women’s Bible study had a project each year. This is when I was introduced to Dress A Girl Around The World. Since then, God has grown a group of wonderful, caring women in Visalia and now with the support of Gateway Church we have become our own ambassadorship. We look forward to what God has in store for us.

Jean Edmonds- My mother taught me to sew beginning at 6 years old. She and I continued to sew clothing throughout the years. Once I was out on my own, it seems the only things I sewed were home décor, curtains, etc. When I was introduced to Dress a Girl a few years ago, I was hesitant about sewing the dresses, so I ironed them. All the ladies were so fun, talented and kind. In no time at all I was sewing and doing everything else associated with putting the kits together and making the dresses. Now the Dress a Girl workshop is in my garage! It has become a passion for me, and I always look forward to the days our group gets together. I am so thrilled that we can use what gifts we have and spread love to all these little girls.

Valerie Co-Ambassador
Denver Metro Area, Colorado
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Valerie Mishek: This journey of making pillowcase dresses started when I watched an Operation Christmas video on Facebook about 100-year-old Eva making these adorable dresses for girls in need. I told my mom about it, and she loved the idea. At that time, she was 94 years old. My mom passed away a few months later at the age of 95. As I was going through my parents’ house, I found a bolt of red floral fabric. I asked myself, “what can I do with this fabric?”. I remembered Eva’s story and that my mom loved the idea. I decided to do this project dedicated to the memory of my mother, Darlene Mishek, who was a talented seamstress. I started making dresses with the red fabric and ended up with ten dresses. I added patch pockets which I embroidered with my embroidery machine, and I also added eyelet and lace trims to the dresses. Having so much fun with this project, I asked a friend to help me. She added two more dresses. Then, another friend, Ellen Shamas-Brandt, joined in making another ten dresses and drawstring purses while we were camping in our motorhomes in the mountains of Colorado. I added three more dresses that week as well from fabric from my wedding. We presented the dresses at our sewing machine store in Littleton, Colorado and more ladies joined us in making dresses and purses. For our first dress “drive”, we ended up with 37 dresses and purses which I delivered to Rachel in Forest City, Iowa on September 1, 2022. Ellen and I are now co-ambassadors for the Denver Metro Area in Colorado. We look forward to making many more dresses and meeting other enthusiastic ladies who want to help with our projects.

Ellen Co-Ambassador
Denver Metro Area, Colorado
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Ellen began sewing as a child in a Learn to Sew class, where she made a lovely gown out of white sheet fabric. For most of her adult life, she has primarily sewn badges and patches on her daughters’ Girl Scout uniforms. When she was trying to repurpose some drapery fabric, her friend Valerie said that it could be used to make beautiful dresses for Dress a Girl. Valerie, a true ambassador, convinced her to try her hand at making some dresses out of the material, and she got hooked! Valerie and Ellen spent a week camping in their RVs, making dresses and purses. Since then, Ellen has learned more about sewing, and even made two T-shirt quilts for her daughters for Christmas. Having two daughters and being a member of P.E.O., she is attracted to organizations that help and empower females. She is excited to join Valerie is getting more people involved in this valuable and important cause!

Southern Colorado

For a long time I looked for an opportunity to do something I would have a passion for and that would help others. One day I read in the St. Mary of Vernon Parish (Vernon Hills, IL) church bulletin about a wonderful organization led by an amazing woman named Sidney that sewed dresses for poor girls. This sounded like something I could do and I attended the first event. Since then I have fallen in love with this ministry and am honored to be part of this organization. I do not have children of my own and this is truly a blessing for me to have the opportunity to make a difference in a little girl’s life. We recently moved to Colorado and I want to continue my charity work. I became passionate about this ministry and found a purpose that is beyond my own dreams. I would like to start a group of women here in Woodland Park, CO to follow a simple yet needed way to help poor girls own a dress. I will work hard to encourage people to get involved in making a difference in someone's life. If you like to sew, please join me. I would love to hear from you. I am honored to be an ambassador for the Southern Colorado area until Teresa, who did this job before me, will join us again.


Born and grew up in Beverly, Massachusetts then moved to Connecticut in 1969. I have two sisters that live in New England. I also have three daughters, one son-in-law, three grandsons and one granddaughter. Life has been busy. I’m a member of a local quilting guild, which is where I learned about Dress A Girl. One of the ladies at the guild talked to me about DAG and gave me a label that she had with her. As soon as I arrived home I checked out DAG website. After reading I knew this was for me. I ordered labels and got fabric together. Then put together my first DAG event with some wonderful ladies at our campground in NH. There was lots of talking, sewing and ironing going on and we enjoyed it so much that we are making this a yearly event. “EVERY GIRL DESERVES A DRESS”

Jacksonville, Florida
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I had the good fortune to be raised in a Christian family that was always involved in mission out reaches. When I made a personal decision to trust Jesus, He gave me the same desires.I have been married to my dear husband for 42 years. We have 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren. My daughter told me about DAG. I was very interested, but because I was teaching at that time and didn't have the time needed to start something new, I filed the thought away. As a retirement gift, my husband gave me a beautiful sewing room. The stage was set. I went to the website, found the nearest group and attended one of their sew times with a dear friend. We came back to our church very excited with the thought we can be part of this wonderful ministry of sewing God's best dresses for His sweet needy girls. As I have talked to others about it, God has raised up a mighty band of faithful people who are part of our ministry. Our dresses are sewn one at a time and they are as unique and beautiful as the girls receiving them. As we sew we pray for the girls who will receive the dress and those who deliver them. It is an honor and privilege to be part of such an incredible ministry, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ one dress at a time.

South Jax, Florida

After a long and successful career in the corporate world, I’m now retired and doing things I never had time for before. I lived in Atlanta for 15 years for work but am now happy to be back home in Jacksonville, FL where I’m blessed to be able to have my Mom live with me along with my rescued dogs Mandy and Pickles. When I first heard about DAG from my neighbor Melanie, I couldn’t believe that I’d never heard of it before. What a simple concept with such a huge impact! I’ve gone on several mission trips in my life but nothing I’ve done feels as personal as this. Your effort, your creativity, your love for children, and your love for God are all rolled up into making these dresses. When I look at a dress, I think about the little girl who will be receiving it and how it and the message of God’s love will make a difference in her life now and in her future. I couldn’t wait to get involved and invited my Mom and sisters to get involved too. After attending several meetings, this like-minded band of women decided we needed a chapter in our area so we can help spread the word about this great ministry and offer others the opportunity to get involved. And you know what? Almost everyone approached has been interested in being involved in some way. Wow! Our God is an awesome God! I look forward to helping to make DAG a bigger channel for reaching out to the world with the message of God’s love.

Orlando, Florida

Our dynamic Orlando group has grown to over 50 volunteers. Courtesy of Village Walk, Lake Nona, Orlando, these dedicated women meet every Thursday from 10 -12 p.m. at its Town Center to create dresses and matching dolls that are “made with love.” The enthusiasm extends beyond the greater Orlando area, as we are fortunate to have talented “satellite seamstresses” in over 10 cities across the state and beyond our state line—from California to Connecticut. These partners have delivered over 650 dresses. The Dressed in Hope group hit an exciting milestone—since 2013 it has distributed over 2,700 dresses to 15 countries. Our success is a collaborative effort—from the generous donations of beautiful fabrics and notions to the personal distribution of dresses to orphanages by groups including AirMobile Ministries, Church of Nazarene, Delta Cares, Morgan Associates, Nautique Cares, Pine Hills Church in Indiana, Reach Out to Haiti, Ryan Epps Home, the Tebow Foundation, and the University of Central Florida Burnett Honors College.

Lake Wales, Florida

For me, sewing started at a young age. Well, knitting came first; then sewing a few years later. Creating something from a few things/ingredients always amazed me. Isn't it great that a ball of yarn and 2 (or more) pointed sticks can produce a scarf, hat & mittens, or a few pieces of shaped paper, a few other essential items, fabric & a sewing machine and end result is you get to wear a new outfit? I do know neither craft is that simple but neither task is that hard either. While watching a YouTube video on bias tape and sundresses, Dress-A-Girl was mentioned and I followed the provided link. What an eye-opener! Now, I'm looking forward to a community of hearts & helping hands willing to create dresses and brighter days for girls around the world.

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My name is Lenora “Noie” Craven. I first learned of Dress a Girl Around the World when I went on a mission trip to Mozambique, Africa. There we witnessed, baptized, distributed Bibles, and Dresses. The dresses were a wonderful Christian outreach. When I returned to my home in Brunswick, Georgia, I found out that the Georgia Ambassador we had worked with was retiring. After pray and careful consideration, I became a Georgia Ambassador for Dress a Girl Around the World. On a personal note, I was born in Chester County, SC, graduated from Chester County High School, an Winthrop University. I have been married for 40+ years to the same man; and we have one adult son. We live on the coast of Georgia in the town of Brunswick Georgia.


I have been sewing for 56 years, and it is my passion. When I moved to Hawaii's Big Island 6 years ago I began sewing with the Dress A Girl group making dresses to be distributed over the world. I love the pictures of the smiling faces of the girls wearing their new dress from our Hawaii group. I am so pleased that my passion can now produce smiles on girls who may never have a new dress or even a dress of their own. I am blessed to have traveled to many third-world countries over the years and the poverty is astounding. It is also the children who are forgotten and often start working at an early age to help support their families. To provide something to make them feel remembered and special is a wonderful blessing to me. I am honored to be apart of this organization.

Northeast, Iowa

I grew up with my Mother teaching me how to sew at around age 12, then my Junior High & High School Home Ec. teachers took it from there! Being tall, I made a lot of my clothes, making pants, shirts & blouses. When my kids were little, I sewed most of their clothes, even taking apart a winter coat to make a snow suit for my daughter! Now I do alterations for friends & relatives, sew curtains, purses, diaper bags, bibs & burp cloths & lots of dresses! Ten years ago, a friends Grandmother told me about Dress A Girl & gave me a pattern to make a pillowcase dress. Since I didn’t have any pillowcases, I used fabric left over from our kids, when they were little. They turned out so cute & I was hooked! Since Iowa winters can be cold & snowy, this is the perfect time for me to sew & in February I posted four dresses & a little write up about DAG on FB. Gals started contacting me, even teenagers & I am giving presentations on how to make the dresses. I feel so blessed to share & teach others my God given talent, knowing how these dresses can change a girl’s life. I love helping others, especially little kids in poor countries. I live on a 540-acre Century Farm in NE Iowa. We raise corn, beans, alfalfa, oats & have a 100 head black angus cow/calf operation. I’ve been married 41 years, have 3 married children, 8 grandchildren & work part-time in a Podiatry Clinic. Besides sewing, I help my husband on the farm, make greeting cards, love to walk, do crafts, bake, feed the birds & love spending time with family & friends. When I retire, I plan on doing missionary work & would love to see how happy the dresses make the girls & the expressions on their faces. There is nothing more precious than a child of God!

Donna M
Grimes, Iowa

I started sewing in Junior high school. I was never a fabulous seamstress but made curtains, simple clothes and projects of all kinds. I hadn't sewn in years but I became involved in Dress a Girl in Rochester NY. It was part of an organization called Angels of Mercy which addresses the abuse & trafficking of women. They started making dresses for DAG about 7 years ago. I loved the idea and joined in the group. As a result of our daughter’s coaxing, last June my husband and I relocated to Des Moines, IA where she and her family live. From the day we made the decision to move, getting involved in DAG was my goal. I was driven to join a DAG group in Des Moines, to help me meet new people and make dresses for this wonderful organization. Much to my amazement, there was no such group and in fact hardly anyone had heard of it. Not to be discouraged, I decided to start a group. We moved into a senior independent living residence called the Reserve. With the backing of the Reserve staff, I was able to use our craft room which already had 3 vintage sewing machines and start DAG right here! We had the location; all we needed was the materials. There’s a church next door so I thought maybe we could get donated fabrics if they had any outreach programs. They invited me to speak to their ladies organization. As a result, their group gave us our first donation and the best part was that 3 of the ladies joined our monthly workshops. We bought some fabric, had an organizing meeting in February and our first workshop in March. We're a small group, but dedicated, and within weeks we had produced 45 dresses. We had no idea where we would send the dresses but I had the faith that by the time we had enough made, we'd know. By this time I was sure that it was what God had in mind when he sent us to Iowa. My husband and I believe in what we call God incidences. You know, things that happen without our direction and totally out of our control. Just like stopping by the church got us our first donation. One of our neighbors told us about a friend who has been flying humanitarian trips to Haiti since the earthquake back several years ago. These friends had shown him the dresses. As it turned out he had built an orphanage that was home to 72 girls. Did we cross paths by coincidence? I don't think so! And we had our first destination, and not because of us! After 4 months we have made almost 200 dresses and the involvement of 2 churches, a senior center and the commitment of our Drake University women’s basketball team to donate hours of community service to DAG. It’s growing faster then I ever imagined. We have been blessed in so many ways and I truly know that this is God’s plan for me. If you're anywhere in Iowa and want to get a DAG group going, contact me. I'll do whatever I can to help you get started. The real joy comes when you see photos of the smiling faces of little girls as they twirl around in their very own dress. Knowing the pride, self confidence and feeling of being beautiful, they may be experiencing for the very first time!

Mary and Sarah
Southwestern, Kansas

Hello, we are Mary (mother) and Sarah (daughter) Mills. Sarah has been the Kansas Youth Ambassador since 2018, and is now joining me as the Southwestern Kansas Ambassador. We are both honored to be a part of this amazing ministry that empowers women through education and entrepreneurship, and protects the next generation of women (little girls) so they may reach their potential, too. I am enjoying serving DAG and working alongside my daughter to impact precious little girls’ lives around the world. Psalm 68:11, The Lord gives the command; the women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host/army. Sarah, “I am looking forward to continuing my work with Dress a Girl Around the World that inspires girls to be the amazing humans that they were designed to be.” Psalm 144:12, and our daughters as corner pillars fashioned as for a palace.

I am Susan and live in Covington, LA with my husband Gary and two children Abby, 13 and Sophie 10. I have been sewing since I was 14 years old and still enjoy it. I am very excited to be apart of Dress a Girl around the World and to be able to offer my gift of sewing. God has blessed me in so many ways, that I am so glad that I can give back. I own Create a Trip Travel Agency of 20 years and work as a Real Estate Agent. I also am Louisiana State Classic Queen and Miss Heart of the USA Mrs. Division title holder and proud to have Dress a Girl around the World as my Platform.

Northeastern, Louisiana

Christie began the DAG mission project at Graceminster Presbyterian Church in 2018 with only herself and the pastor's wife. In January three more people became involved which led her to start a beginner sewing class in June 2019. There are currently three instructors, three aides and ten students who it is hoped will be involved in making these dresses. Born and raised in Dallas, Christie has lived in Louisiana almost 40 years. She and her husband Patrick have three children and two grandchildren. When the last chick flew the coop, she returned to graduate school and has two Master's degrees in Counseling. She worked as a substance abuse counselor. Christie heard of the DAG mission from her parent's church in Dallas. Since she sewed all her life, adapting her skills to the dresses was a no brainer. Christie is a lifelong Presbyterian, having accepted Christ as her personal savior at the age of 12. She has been active in church activities including singing in the choir, teaching children's church and Sunday School, and running/teaching VBS.

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My name is Marisa, and I have lived in Maryland most of my life. I am married, and we are raising four children between the ages of 4 and 15. We keep busy with homeschool, church, and a small farmette. As I grew up, I watched my mother sew everything from curtains to my wedding dress! Finally, in Jan 2018, I learned to sew, and a friend told me about Dress A Girl. I was so excited to use my new hobby for the glory of God! One of my favorite Bible passages is Isaiah 58:6-8. I believe DAG fits that message: "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter- when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard." I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Gail Co-Ambassador

I am a recently retired school teacher who works in our local library in West Bridgewater, MA. Ever since my sister, Kendra Arocho, introduced me to Dress a Girl Around the World, I have renewed my love of sewing and creating. It has been a new found purpose supporting the mission of Dress a Girl. I have a five-year-old granddaughter that helps Nana sew and package dresses and a five-month-old granddaughter that will be getting her sewing lessons as soon as she stops drooling.

Evelyn Co-Ambassador

Hi. My name is Evie DeLutis. I live in Bridgewater, MA. I am a retired kindergarten teacher. I learned to sew at my mother's side and have always loved fabric. I learned about DAG from Gail McCarthy when visiting the library in her town of West Bridgewater, MA. I immediately fell in love with the idea and the joy it brings to young women worldwide. Several Bridgewater women jumped happily on board and we have been sewing dresses together for over 2 years. It has uplifted our spirits and formed close friendships. Gail's town and ours have now joined into one happy and creative unit.


I started sewing for Dress A Girl early in 2014 and love doing it. I started with some fabric and lace that my mother collected during her life, but I have added to my collection as sales happen. I am the mother of three grown children, grandmother to 14, and great-grandmother to one. I lived in England for two years in the 60's. That is where my oldest was born. That was a very interesting experience. Three of my grandchildren were born in Ethiopia and adopted when they were 3 - 5 years old. I traveled with my daughter and son-in-law to pick up the first child they adopted. On that trip, I saw first hand the state of development of one African country. We saw men and boys plowing fields with oxen and wooden plows. Some areas had no electricity. Clothes were washed in ditches running beside dirt roads. This brought home to me that great advantages that we live with every day and take for granted. That is part of my motivation for this ministry. I also want to do something useful with my time and resources.

Sue and Pam
Co-Southwestern, Missouri Ambassadors
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We are Sue, Pam, Cindy, and Sharon, your ambassadors for “Dress a Girl Southwest Missouri.” DAG SWMO of Cassville was launched by Sue in 2018. Pam planted a group in Monett in 2022. Cindy and Sharon joined in on the fun by starting up a group in Springfield in 2024. TOGETHER, we combine our efforts to provide hope and joy to at-risk girls and women all over the world…one dress at a time. We each host “Work Days” at our churches to assemble kits. A kit includes everything you need to sew a dress, skirt, or pair of shorts. These kits are distributed to seamstresses who stitch them together with love and prayer, and then return when completed. We send dresses directly with missionaries and they present a dress to each girl, telling them they are worthy of respect and loved by God. You can be an experienced or novice seamstress or a non-sewer, there’s a job for everyone! We invite you to attend a Work Day near you! Have you made dresses and are ready to send them around the world? Are you a missionary or know one? We need your help in spreading the good news of Jesus one dress at a time. Be sure to LIKE our Facebook page, “Dress A Girl Southwest Missouri” to follow God’s journey. “If we view life through the lens of worship, nothing in life will give us more joy than serving Jesus.”

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I am a wife and homeschool mom of 6 little blessings. Our family operates a small family farm in southern Missouri and my husband is also a pastor of a country church. Our family seeks to find ways in which we can serve others and show God’s love to the world which He created. I was so excited to find out about Dress A Girl Around the World and the mission opportunities it affords our family and community. I was reminded the other day of a Matthew 25:40 “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. “ We are so blessed in our country and we take many things for granted. While our children “choose” what to wear and eat, other little ones around the world wear tattered scraps of cloth and go hungry. God honors and blessed the work of a faithful heart. We may have what seems to some as little to offer, but little is much when God is in it! We are looking forward to what God will do in Missouri! If you have any questions or want to donate your time, money or resources, please feel free to contact me!

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As a mother of two girls and grandmother to six granddaughters, I have a passion for all children, but especially girls. I come from a heritage of strong women, but also of strong men who respected and valued women. It breaks my heart to see any person not feeling valued and it often begins at a very early age. I can see where a pretty dress could make a difference in a young girl's self-esteem and also how she is perceived by others. Sewing is something that has been a great hobby over the years, but recently, I have been blessed to share that joy with other young girls and their moms. When searching the Internet for simple dress patterns I stumbled upon your website. Such a simple dress, but a very obvious impact on these young girls. As I shared this program with others, the excitement to be a part of such a tangible way to make a difference in a girl's life was contagious. We are ready to begin making dresses and excited to be a small part in a worldwide outreach to make positive impact on a girl's life.

North Carolina
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I began sewing for Dress a Girl in 2011 and became the NC Ambassador in 2014. When I retired as a Hospice social worker in 2012, I wondered how God would lead me to fill my days. I quickly discovered what a blessing it is to sew for little girls and to be part of the worthwhile ministries of Dress a Girl. I live in Mooresville NC with my husband of 44 years. We have 3 grown sons and 5 grandchildren, ages 11 to 7 months. We enjoy traveling to the mountains and to the beach and spending time with the grands. I also enjoy sewing, gardening, and reading. I am honored to continue to have this opportunity to serve as an ambassador for Dress a Girl.

North Carolina

Hello everyone! My mom and I own a small quilt shop in Davidson, NC. We heard about Project Dress A Girl on YouTube and instantly felt led to become involved as much as possible! Being a quilt shop, we have the skill set, community ties, and the willingness to make lots of beautiful dresses for girls around the world. We’re looking forward to helping as many girls as possible have their very own God’s Best Dress! If you’re local to us, feel free to stop by and pick up a free kit to make a dress. We have the fabric, elastic, and guidelines already put together for you!

New Jersey

As Mother Teresa said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can all do small things with great love.” I was born in Zambia and lived there until I was 7. As the daughter of a British banker, I was protected from many of the harsh conditions of such an impoverished country. However, I still remember the food shortages, specifically meat, and as for clothes -- forget it! My sister and I were lucky though -- my mother knew how to sew and we never went without cute little dresses! I’ve always loved all things girly, but as the mother of boys, I found that sugar and spice and all things nice was not the way I rolled anymore – flowers and fabric were traded in for fire trucks and football (and I wouldn’t change a thing!) – until I found Dress a Girl! Now I can pick out the pinkest and prettiest fabrics I can find and know they will make little girls somewhere smile. I also have my own skincare business and love to watch my clients become more confident as they transform their skin. However, creating beautiful dresses that not only carry a message of hope and love to those forgotten and neglected, but more importantly, keep them safe from predators is both humbling and delightful. The area in which I live is very service-oriented and I have high hopes for many dresses to be made here with great love. Being an ambassador for Dress a Girl around the world is a small thing I can do, and I am honored to have this opportunity to serve.

Northern New England (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Northeastern Massachusetts)

My love for sewing led me to be a contributor of dresses for our local Dress A Girl chapter since 2017. I am thrilled to be the Ambassador of our large group covering 4 states! I was born and raised in Hallowell, Maine. My maternal grandmother was a talented fiber crafter and encouraged that interest in me. At age 10, I was allowed to use her sewing machine and was hooked! My first Sears cast iron sewing machine was my prized possession and throughout my teens I made clothes for my mother, sister and myself. I am a recent retiree from the corporate and non-profit world who still loves to sew and create. Please join us on Facebook: Dress A Girl - Northern New England Chapter. You are welcome to join us at one of our many sews scheduled throughout our service area.

My name is Donna. I'm a retired teacher and live in Portales, NM. I have three grown children and ten grandchildren. I learned to quilt from my grandmother at a young age and have been incredibly happy to rekindle my interest since my retirement. During the COVID quarantine 1200 fabric masks to donate to retirement facilities as well as family and friends. My husband is an area missionary serving forty-three Baptist churches on the eastern side of our state. My hope is to make this area of our state aware of the need for DAG dresses and then fill that need.

Cam And Terri
New Mexico
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Hi! We are Cam & Terri. This group began in 2013 when Cam and her friend Maggie began building the ministry with Maggie’s daughter, Alyssa becoming the Junior Ambassador. Along with their daughters, friends, clubs, and local churches, they began making dresses. Alyssa ran the show for a few years, holding workshops and enlisting several organizations to get involved. Alyssa then went to college and Cam and Maggie kept the San Juan County chapter going until Maggie and her husband sadly had to relocate with his job in the summer of 2019. Dress A Girl San Juan County was so sad to see Maggie leave, but God provided throughout the transition with a wonderful group of seamstresses. Among them is Terri, a former Home Economics teacher, who stepped up to become the new Co-Ambassador! Terri has been passionate about sewing and quilting for many years and began sewing for Dress a Girl, San Juan County in 2016. She enjoys all aspects of Dress a Girl and getting to know other sewers. This ministry has blossomed over the last two years with seamstresses all over the state and even into Southern Colorado and Texas. God has provided and blessed us and we would love to hear from you if you have any questions or want to be a part of our group!

Mary Jo And Angels Of Mercy
New York

Mary Jo & her Angels of Mercy are doing a phenomenal job in New York. They are constantly in the news for their work with Dress a Girl and have had as many as 150 women show up with sewing machines in hand for events. They are going strong and have 40 locations sewing currently. From their base in Rochester they have made/sent/shipped over 88,000 dresses to Haiti, Peru, Nepal, Cambodia & France. Mary Jo says: "Our goal is to reach the ends of the earth and we are on our way!!!!" "God is so Great…He sends women and girls with the heart to "SEW" seeds into the lives of young ones."

New York City Area

My name is Sharon Brown and I reside in the Long Island area in NY. Matthew 25:36a says " I needed clothes and you clothed me", if you have done it to the least of these you have done it unto me. As I serve as an Ambassador for 'Dress a Girl Around the World" I am happy to render service to Christ. I am excited and honored to serve God's people through the gift God has given me. If you live in the surrounding area please feel free to contact me and let's work together! Making God's best dress for He's greatest gifts to the world!

I became involved in Dress a Girl in early 2014, when my small church was looking for a project. My sister attended a large church in Rochester NY where they had a DAG team, so I suggested that we make dresses for little girls; our small church was very enthusiastic! So I asked my sister and her friend to come to the Adirondacks to get us organized. Since April 2014, we have met almost monthly and have made over 3,848 dresses that we’ve sent to Haiti, Nepal, South America, Nakaseke Uganda, India, Romania, and Brasilia Brazil. We have also distributed about 834 dresses through Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. Whenever I learn of someone traveling overseas, I ask them if they’d like to take some dresses; I always get an enthusiastic YES! You can see many photos on our website (below) of our seamstresses, and the happy girls who have received DAG dresses! We praise God for helping us protect his little girls, and hopefully protect them from trafficking.

My name is Kelly, I am a member of Messiah Lutheran Church in Oklahoma City. I am truly blessed to be very happily married to Randy Baker for 33 years, and I am truly blessed to have 5 amazing children who are 14,16,19,21 and 24 years old. I am also truly blessed to be a part of Dress A Girl and Hope for Women!

Michelle Berkes And Marie Evans
Ohio- Cuyahoga Falls & Akron
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Providing a little piece of Hope to a young girl is an amazing feeling. By our commitment to give a little of our time and effort, we can help in the mission that “Every Girl deserves at least one dress.” I am a mother of 5 children, 4 girls, and a boy. I have been married for 20 years and am a follower of Christ. I started sewing when I saw a dress that I feel in love with at an auction I did not win and was determined to make it. After lots of classes, I made that dress. The feeling I got with that accomplishment made me move on to the next project..and the next project… I love being able to share my love of sewing and giving with others. I hope you will join me and send all your beautifully made dresses so I can help distribute them to these amazing, beautiful little gifts from God.

Central Ohio

Hi, I am Karen Heath and I live in central Ohio with my husband; we are both Christians. We are retired, and we are so busy now that I wonder how we had time to work for a living. Seriously, it is relaxing to have the freedom to pursue our personal interests. We are involved with our local church where I attend the Women of Missions group and Women’s Bible Study. I have previously taught in the Children’s Ministry. I have also taught quilting classes at church where we donated baby quilts to the local Pregnancy Distress Centers. As the daughter of a professional dressmaker, I grew up in the sewing room. I was sewing so much that at the age of nine I received my own sewing machine. I love to make clothes, quilts, and home décor items. A few years ago, I donated a couple of shoe boxes, with dresses, at Christmas time. I then went on a search to find a place that would accept the clothes I make for the poorest of God’s children. I like Dress a Girl because of their ministry and guidelines for the dresses. I have enjoyed this ministry so much that I wanted to become more involved, so I am now an Ambassador.

Cincinnati/Dayton Ohio

I learned about Dress a Girl back in 2017. I have become an empty nester and even though I still work full-time I started praying for a passion. My pastor had been preaching on serving, giving back, using your talents and for about 5 months I had been praying for a passion. Asking, how can I make a difference? What can I do? One day on the news I saw an interview with a lady talking about how she made dresses for little girls in need with Dress A Girl. I stopped what I was doing and listened. It was only about a 2 minute interview so I started researching wanting to know more. Long story short...God opened the door to my new passion and I am so very thankful. What a blessing 2018 has been. I went to Guatemala and took 206 dresses to hand out. I have seen God move and provide me with many God stories that I know without a doubt that this is what I am called to do. I have met so many wonderful women who are willing to help through this ministry. Remember, it's HOW we live our life; not how long we live. Be a blessing to others each day. For when we serve others, we serve Jesus. It is an honor and privilege to be a part of such an incredible ministry. I am so excited to see what God has for me and the DAG Ministry this coming year. So far I have a request for a need in Haiti. Contact me if you have any questions or are interested in helping giving HOPE one dress at a time. I have helpers from ages 9 to 91; sewers and non-sewers alike. Please let me know if you need an addiction because this is just the thing. One dress gets cuter than the next and I can't stop! Will you join me in making a difference in little girls lives around the world who may not even own a dress?


Hello my name is Pearl and I live in southwest Washington state near the Columbia River that separates us from Oregon. I have been sewing since an early age, took Home Economics in school, and made may own clothes. When I was a little girl, my mother's friend, Mary Johnson sewed dresses for us twice a year at Easter and Christmas. Now I sew dresses for little girls around the world. Since joining the Dress a Girl program, I have met many talented women, some experienced quilters and some that have not sewn for a while. You will become a better seamstress by sewing dresses of love to travel around the world. Contact me and I will try to connect you with other women who are sewing dresses for our program or guide you to start your own Dress a Girl program in your area.


My favorite age to sew for is for ages two to 12 year old girls. Having five granddaughters has given me ample opportunity to be creative! They now have plenty of dresses that will be handed down to each other. About two years ago Dee, a good friend of mine, gave me two large boxes of material. Since the Grandorables had plenty of NiniLu (they call me NINI and I added the LU that stands for LOVES YOU!) dresses, I had to find a way to use this material. A quick search online for charitable sewing revealed the perfect answer for me. I could continue sewing for the age that I love as well as have a world wide impact. Each DAG dress is prayed over and is made with the same care and attention to detail used to make dresses for the Grandorables. We have a weekly workshop every Wednesday from 9-noon where we make Humanitarian Dolls and well as Dresses to send. I am ever so grateful to DAG for giving me the opportunity to make a difference.

York, Pennsylvania

Hello to all the Fellow Sewers My name is Sunny Rumer. I am a mother of two adult girls and three grandsons who are the light of my life. I currently live in York, Pa. I am a member of Living Word Community Church in Red Lion, Pa. (A stone’s throw away from York.) I am part of a sewing group at the church. We call our group Sewing Seeds. We have been sewing Hygiene Kits for women and girls in countries like Guatemala and Ethiopia. I have been sewing dresses for Dress a Girl Around the world for about three years. I recently lost my husband to cancer and wondered what God was leading me to do to fill my days. Well, I’m not completely alone…I have a friendly feline companion named Boots. She just turned nine years old in August. She likes to sit under my chair while I’m sewing. So, anyway I thought that since our church already has a passion for helping women around the world with one project, why not start another project to extend that blessing to more girls? I’m honored to serve as an ambassador to Dress A Girl in York and the surrounding area.

Nashville, Tennessee

I was introduced to DAG in 2021 by the sewing community via social media. After sewing and sending dresses in 2022 I felt led to be an Ambassador as part of my desire to become more involved in a ministry and active in my local community. My church home leads and supports mission trips and I am excited to see how God will use me and others to show love to girls domestically and internationally.

Dallas/Ft Worth, Texas
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My name is Kristin Reynolds. I am excited to be part of Dress A Girl Around the World and serve as DFW DAG Ambassador. I first learned of DAG during an internet search for organizations who sew dresses for girls. A few weeks earlier, I attended a quilting retreat where I met a lady who was sewing dresses for missionaries at her church. I love to sew and thought I would enjoy sewing beautiful dresses for girls. A few years later, a couple from our church gathered volunteers together to sew dresses for the Operation Christmas Child boxes our church sends out each year. So I began sewing dresses and have made approximately 200 dresses in 2 years. I love to coordinate fabric, sew dresses and pray over the ones I make. It's become an obsession. ☺I have been married to my husband Jeff for 27 years, the mother of three young men all of whom I have homeschooled and am still schooling our youngest. I am a certified teacher and an AWANA Cubbies leader. I learned to sew in middle school and made Halloween costumes and theater costumes when our boys were younger. I look forward to creating, praying and facilitating the transfer of dresses that will bless girls and show them God's love.

Cypress, Texas

I am Valeri Morris. I live in Cypress Texas with my husband of 30 years, Garry and our beloved Weimaraner, Lily. I have been a flight attendant for 20 years with Southwest Airlines, a company that is a blessing in so many ways. They have a wonderful outreach program "Tickets For Time", that allows me to log all of the hours I devote sewing dresses to benefit Hope 4 Women International with periodic travel benefits. I have sewn since I was a little girl. I started in 4H, made some of my own clothes, some dresses for my granddaughters & have made a few fashion show garments as well. I am also a quilter and love that creative outlet as well. Sewing has always given me pleasure but sewing to benefit this organization gives me something much greater...JOY!

Nacona, Texas
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I live in a tiny town in North Texas a short distance from the Red River. A dear friend started a DAG group in Gainesville and we decided to expand westward. We are one group with two meeting places. We sew dresses in Nocona, TX on the first and third Monday every month. A lady in our group has started using the small scraps to make lap quilts for a local nursing home. God is blessing people exponentially through Dress a Girl.

Libby and Mary
Georgetown, South Carolina 

Our group was started in 2016. I had returned for my daughter's wedding in Kenya Africa. I returned to work in the fabric dept at Walmart's was helping a few ladies with fabric and asked what it was for. When they explained about Dress a Girl, I knew I wanted to help. I talked to my manager about it. I was told the fabric was getting ready to go on sale and I could buy whatever I wanted. I wanted it all. I had a friend (Cheryl Bellune) who sewed and another (Barbara Mathis) who was going on a mission trip soon. So, we started and sent her with 11 dresses. I talked to my church, and they agreed that we could come there and sew. We have grown and send many dresses to the Missions that the church sponsors and Barbara stills takes some to Mission San Pedro in Guatemala. I have so enjoyed this that it is hard to explain the joy it gives me. We meet at the church the second Wednesday of every month from 10:00 am to 2:00pm. And bring our lunches. Prince George Winyah Parish- 301 Screven St., Georgetown, SC 29440


Dress-a-Girl-Around-the–World (Appleton, Wisconsin) My name is Sandi . I have lived in the state of Wisconsin most of my life. Late in my husband’s career, he took a new job that took us to Kansas. It was there that I was introduced to Dress a Girl Around the World. I loved to sew dresses with dolls in the pockets for needy little girls. When our first batch of dresses was delivered by a missionary to an orphanage, the missionary returned requesting something for the boys to wear. So, we began to make simple shorts, placing toy cars in the pockets. Shortly after that, we began to sew baby blankets. I became passionate about the ministry. When my husband retired, we moved back to Appleton, Wisconsin, and I was determined to start a DAG group here. I have had donations of sewing machines, fabric, lace, and everything else I needed to start! Some people sew in their own homes, and every Monday we have both a daytime session and an evening session in our home. The ministry takes up our entire basement, and my husband’s three work benches have been transformed into cutting tables! Come visit us sometime!


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